White People Need Intentional 10™

Most white people do not give racism a second thought as they go about their day. They survive, enjoy the benefit of legal protections, and can otherwise lead full, happy lives. They can succeed while ignoring the fact that the fake social concept of “race” was invented by white people to deliberately perpetuate a clear divide between them and everyone who is not white.

Just imagine what would the world look like if white people with a conscience and genuine desire for equality committed time each and every day towards destroying white supremacy?

How would it make you feel as a white person if you actively advocated daily for everyone to have the same rights and opportunities white people have?

Instead, most white people remain silent and/or choose denial about human rights abuses and daily indignities they see happening to non-white people right in front of them, daily.

They are complicit in exchange for white acceptance, favorable social standing, and love, favor, and protection from their families – including those know are racist and bigoted.

If you are ready to own your antiracism education, to snatch your blinders off, and learn about the lived experiences of Black people and people of color that have been made invisible to you or hidden from you, then Intentional 10 is for you.

What Will Intentional 10™ Do For You?

Intentional 10™ is designed for white people who are earnestly, actively owning their moral and ethical obligation to be better humans through consciously becoming antiracist. One is either racist or opposed to racism – no half-stepping.

It is well past time for white people to consciously listen to and learn from Black people’s lived experiences, take direct action to show up in support of Black and brown communities, use their white privilege and financial resources to achieve antiracist goals.

To live an antiracist life requires a sense of urgency and is a lifelong commitment.

If not now, then when?

Following the 2024 Presidential election results, most Black voters are rightfully angry, tired, and disappointed with white people who claimed to be our families and friends.

The 92% of Black women who voted against this current administration for obvious reasons are not “The Help.” Instead, we are reclaiming our time, taking care of ourselves and our loved ones in this fractured, hostile, and dangerous climate, and resting our bodies and our spirits for the fights ahead.

For white people to be useful and effective in these battles means adopting an antiracist lifestyle. You must challenge and call out racism and bigotry in your homes, schools, workplaces, communities, and networks.

Contrary to Robin D’Angelo’s teachings and common lore, white people are not at all “fragile,” and white women are hardly delicate flowers. For centuries, white women’s crocodile tears and false accusations have gotten Black and brown people killed.

American history proves that white people wield enormous privilege and power, often unchecked.

What would it look like to use your presumed white credibility, your pedestal, and your powers for the good of the powerless?

What would it take for you as a white person to teach yourself to stand up and speak up against racism boldly, even if your voice shakes?

What would it take to make you say something when you see something racist happening?

How do you build the confidence and the resource bank to disrupt racism and protect more vulnerable who do not have your power, position, or voice?

Intentional 10™ and The Learning Alcove provide downloadable, self-guided research compilations of articles authored by others, Sandy’s Original Essays, and virtual educational Zoom events for purchase. Through studying these resources, white people will learn to recognize and disrupt overt and subtler, more insidious instances of everyday racism and antiblackness.

Start your journey habituating an antiracism mindset for yourself, your family, and your friends today.

Dive in!